Privacy Policy

Networking group


The UK Government introduced the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensuring compliance from May 25th 2018.
This means that UK residents have a greater say over how, why, what, where and when their personal data is used, processed, or disposed of.  GDPR clarifies how personal data laws apply, even beyond the borders of the EU.  This means that any organization that works with your personal data, irrespective of their location, has an obligation to protect your data.
Edeal Enterprise Agency is dedicated to meet these obligations and is aware of the liability we have to ensure that all our suppliers meet GDPR mandates, regardless of their location.

Our Commitment

Over the years, we have demonstrated our commitment to data privacy and protection by meeting the industry standards for ISO 2001:2015. We have had a Data Protection Policy since 2013 and all our staff have signed their agreement to demonstrate their commitment to your privacy.
We recognize that GDPR helps us maintain the highest standards of protection for your data.
In the unfortunate event of a data breach we commit to advise you within 72 hours of our finding out about the breach.

Business Partners and Suppliers

To run the Edeal Enterprise Agency we use software provided by suppliers from across the globe.  At present these include Microsoft Office 365, Xero accounting software, Weebly, Google, Mobile Applications, Surveymonkey, Mailchimp, Eventbrite, PRG, Wordpress, CloudConnx, Southern IT, AFH Payroll, Paypal, Go-Cardless, PaymentSense, Natwest and Metro Bank.
Historic Edeal data is kept at The Keep in Falmer, a secure facility run by East Sussex County Council.  They retain all Edeal information in the public interest and have securely destroyed any other data in our historic files.
We ensure that all our suppliers commit to GDPR and, should the needs of the business dictate that we change or add a supplier, we will ensure that any new supplier is also committed to observe GDPR.   All these suppliers have committed not to use your data for any other reason and will not pass it on to a third party.
This contract also includes the need for the supplier to disclose any data breach to us within 48 hours so that we can advise you within 72 hours of the breach.
Our data is backed up three times a day to two separate locations.

We are able to offer free business support because it is funded by some of our Local Authorities.  Following the UK’s exit from the EU, there are new rules governing subsidies (previously referred to as State Aid). All funding measures (with limited exceptions which are not relevant here) are now subject to the Subsidy Control Act 2022, which came into force on 4 January 2023. Further details of the Subsidy Control Act 2022 and the Subsidy Control Regime can be found in the BEIS Technical Guidance here:

This funding means that EDEAL can offer you business support however we may have to share your information with the relevant local authority.

How we manage GDPR

Edeal Enterprise Agency exists to promote business in East Sussex.  To do this we hold online and physical events and we ask your permission to use your image when photographs are taken at those networking and training events.
We understand our obligation to help you manage GDPR and have run a series of workshops to help members who need assistance to be aware of their obligations.   If you would like us to run another GDPR seminar, please let us know.
We analysed our GDPR requirements with the help of advisers and have put in place this GDPR Privacy Policy Statement.  We have carried out an Impact Assessment and we deleted any data that does not need to be retained.  Financial data is retained for seven years as required by HMRC.  Other data will be deleted within two years of a client lapsing, termination of a supply agreement or a member of staff leaving the Company.

  • Identifying personal data: We have identified the minimum personal data we should request and retain and we dispose of any unnecessary data.  Data is collected from you online via our website and App, in written format, over the telephone and face to face.
  • Providing visibility and transparency: The most important aspect of GDPR is how the collected data is used.  We commit not to pass any data to a third party other than those suppliers detailed above without your permission.  As an Enterprise Agency we will provide details of data retained to any client, supplier or member of staff on request in order to provide visibility and transparency.  Requests for details of data held should be emailed to
  • Enhancing data integrity and security: Data privacy and data security are equally important.  Bank and payment details taken for payment purposes are shredded immediately after use.  All data kept in hard copy is under lock and key. Cloud based data is controlled by our suppliers as above. As you tighten your own data security measures, we would like to extend a helping hand.  Do please contact us if you would like help or advice in improving your procedures and we will refer you to the appropriate adviser for help.
  • Portability and transferability of data: GDPR gives you the right to either receive all the data provided and processed by Edeal or transfer it to another company depending on technical feasibility. Edeal can provide such data on request in basic Microsoft formats.

What does this mean for our clients, suppliers and staff?

Our Outlook emails are automatically encrypted by Microsoft 365 to or from any other Microsoft 365 user.   If you would like to make sure your emails are encrypted please contact your Microsoft 365 provider.

We can provide access to details of data held about you.  Just email your request to and we will respond within one month.   We will delete your data on request, just email us at this address.  (With the exception of financial data which must be kept for seven years.)  We will delete your data if it has not been used for two years (other than financial data).

Hard copy data is held in our office which is not open to the public.  Personal details are kept locked away.
We will perform data audits annually as part of our ISO quality management review.
We will continue to introduce members to each other as part of our legitimate business.

GDPR privacy statements from our suppliers

Microsoft GDPR Statement

Xero Privacy Statement

Google GDPR Statement

SurveyMonkey GDPR Statement

Mailchimp GDPR Statement

Natwest Privacy Statement

Metro Bank Privacy Statement

Paypal Privacy Policy

Paymentsense Privacy Statement

Wordpress GDPR Statement

Eventbrite GDPR Statement

GDPR statements are available on request for:

  • CloudConnx – Cloud services
  • Southern IT – IT and telephony support
  • AFH Payroll

How should you check your GDPR compliance?

  • Create a data privacy team to oversee GDPR activities and raise awareness.  If you are a sole trader you should consult with a solicitor, IT company and/or marketing company who have researched GDPR in detail.  We can signpost you to businesses who have displayed a good understanding of GDPR.
  • Review your current security and privacy processes
  • Revise your contracts with third parties, suppliers and customers to meet the requirements of the GDPR
  • Assess any third parties with whom you disclose data
  • Identify the Personally Identifiable Information (PII)/Personal data that is being collected
  • Analyse how this information is being processed, stored, retained and deleted
  • Establish procedures to respond to data subjects when they exercise their rights
  • Establish & conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
  • Create processes for data breach notification activities
  • Continuous employee awareness is vital to ensure continual compliance to the GDPR